Health & Safety

Health & Safety

SBI prioritizes the health and safety of both employees and community residents in completing all civil engineering projects. As a multinational company, we adhere to the rules set forth by national and municipal governments in the countries where we do business, as well as those of International Organizations who hold us responsible for abiding by all health and safety laws and regulations. We ensure that our employees and the surrounding community’s health and safety are protected while we deliver efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable results.

SBI’s health and safety protocols and solutions include


Providing all employees with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety boots, reflective overalls, harnesses, gloves, goggles, etc.

Safety training

Ensuring all employees around the globe adhere to strict international health and safety standards. We uphold these standards through extensive training in topics such as safety inductions, use of PPE, health and hygiene, preventative medicine, job safety, and first aid.

Safety drills

Conducting frequent safety drills to be thoroughly prepared in the event of a fire, evacuation, spillage, or chemical spread.

Employee healthcare:

All employees participate in a construction site orientation, which includes a tour of the health clinic, an explanation of on–site health services, and clinic, and a physical examination (with the employee’s consent). SBI offers voluntary anonymous testing to identify and prevent contagious and infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria, and hepatitis B. We ensure there is access to clean drinking water and an on-site doctor and nurse for emergency medical situations.

Community care

The communities in which we operate share SBI’s dedication to health and wellbeing. Our on-site Physicians and nurses offer emergency care to both the public and our employees. In addition, we take proactive actions when the need arises, such as conducting blood drives for neighbourhood blood banks.

Water shortage relief

SBI has a rich history of building water supply systems/ facilities and wastewater treatment plants that improve the general health and safety of residents who depend on clean water for drinking, hygienic purposes, cleaning, cooking, and watering crops.

SBI’s health and safety certifications

ISO Standard: SBI has two families certified under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards, and by the International Certification Network (IQNET) for its IQNET quality system.

ISO 4500012018: Ensures Occupational health and safety management system, which includes bettering employee safety, reducing workplace risks, and creating better, safer working environments.

IFC Performance Standards: In order to earn funding from the International Finance Corporation and efficiently manage risk, SBI must uphold performance standards in the areas of health, safety, and social and environmental sustainability. These requirements cover a wide area of topics, such as compliance with national Labor and employment laws, the avoidance of forced labor, the promotion of employee health, safe and healthy work environments/conditions, emergency preparedness, and the elimination of adverse health effects on the project’s community.

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